[3830] CQWW 160 CW - VE5CPU - SOLP

Bart Ritchie VE5CPU ve5cpu at sk.sympatico.ca
Mon Jan 29 19:51:44 EST 2001

                       CQ 160 METER CONTEST -- 2001

       Call:      VE5CPU
       Category:  Single Operator      Power: Low Power
       Band:      Mono 160             Mode: CW
       Prov:      SK

      Totals     50     241      27       0    =   6,507

City lot, short wire & 3 hours.  Just a few hours to make sure the little
wire I have still works -- at least as well as it can work.  Some of you
lads and lassies have great ears and great antennas.  Thanks for the
contacts and digging the weak signal out.  See you in the next one.

73, Bart - VE5CPU
. B.R. (Bart) Ritchie       	Internet: ve5cpu at sk.sympatico.ca .
. Regina, SK Canada                                             .

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