[3830] CQ160 CW VA3UZ(@VE3OI) SO HP

va3uz at rac.ca va3uz at rac.ca
Mon Jan 29 21:29:53 EST 2001

                     CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW
Call: VA3UZ
Operator(s): VA3UZ
Station: VE3OI

Class: SO HP
Operating Time (hrs): 26

QSOs: 907  States/Provinces: 57  Countries: 35  Score: 425,500


Oh! for receiving antennas. Used 1/4 wave sloper for both receiving and 
transmitting. 80 m loop helped a bit to dig out some West Coast signals 
though... Spent lot of time S&P which, of course, did hurt my score too.
Worked 3 times less Europeans than I did in Stew Perry a month ago with the 
same setup.
Spent too much time calling EA9LZ, IV3YYK, OK5W, UU7J, SM3EVR, UA2FZ. Nobody 
answered. AL7DJ, CT1CJJ, LZ8T, YV1DIG, YV1NX, GI3OQR, GI0KOW, XE1V and VE9WH 
answered my CQ. Managed to break pile-up on 4X3A, C4A and LX1NO. RU1A was 
prbably the best DX (worked it on WB9CIF's frequency who definitely didn't hear 
RU1A's CQ calls).
Never heard K3VOA (DC) or VY1JA.
Lost amplifier at 08:30 UTC on Sunday. Was thinking even to give up, but after 
some time decided to continue with 100 watts and was rewarded by getting my 
last multiplier - VO1MP (Thanks for the call, Gus!).
Big thanks to Dave, VE3OI whose station becoming a second home for me. I owe 
him big time.
Amazing how many well-known guys were trying to steal my CQ frequency without 
even asking "QRL?" pretending they don't hear me. Is that a common practice on 
160? C'mon guys, I had almost a KW output!
Anyway, congratulations to everybody on great scores and especially to John, 
VE3EJ. Hope my "bell" helped him to stay awake and achieve such a great score!

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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