[3830] CQ160 CW F6BEE SO HP

f6bee at aol.com f6bee at aol.com
Tue Jan 30 13:56:56 EST 2001

                     CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW
Call: F6BEE
Operator(s): F6BEE

Class: SO HP
QTH: France
Operating Time (hrs): 14

QSOs: 747  States/Provinces: 37  Countries: 56  Score: 431,055


Rig : FT-1000 MP + Alpha 91b
Ant : 24 m Shunt fed tower (heavily loaded)
Abt 160 NE and NW beverages

Not a single JA getting through also here.
Poor and discouraging conditions of 1st night made
me sleep for 4 hours of apparently better cndx in the 2nd night.

Thanks to all who called or heard me.

73 de Jacques, F6BEE

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