[3830] IARU K5TR SO Phone

geoiii@kkn.net geoiii@kkn.net
Sun, 15 Jul 2001 23:08:47 -0400 (EDT)

                     IARU HF Championship
Call: K5TR
Operator(s): K5TR
Station: K5TR

Class: SO Phone  Power: HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band     CW Qs    Ph Qs    Mults
  160:               11        7
   80:               31       13
   40:               91       34
   20:              848       67
   15:              499       53
   10:              633       23
Total:       0     2113      197  =  1,412,687

Club: ctdxcc


 Contest Dates : 14-Jul-01, 15-Jul-01
    Callsign Used : K5TR
         Operator : K5TR
     Station Used : K5TR
         Category : Single Op High Power SSB Only

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Zones

  160SSB      12          11         25       2         5  
   80SSB      31          31         81       3        10  
   40SSB      91          91        285      15        19
   20SSB     868         848       3444      29        38
   15SSB     504         499       1629      21        32
   10SSB     641         633       1707       5        18

 Totals     2147        2113       7171      75       122

    Final Score = 1,412,687 points.

This was my first real effort from my new home station.
I am pretty happy with the first effort and I am really 
looking forward to putting up the real antennas in the 
next few months.
I really like this contest - great fun as always.


160 - Inverted L with four radials.
 80 - Sloping dipole to the NE from 90'
 40 - 2 ele Cushcraft at 97'
 20 - 4 ele Cushcraft at 90'
 15 - 4 ele Cushcraft at 70'
 10 - 4 ele Cushcraft at 60'

500' unterminated beverage NE-SW

TS-850 x 2
AL-1200 (thanks to K5PI for the loan)

Photos are here:

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    30    17    12    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      8    18    42   243   301   590     0     0     0   1202
  VE calls    =      2     6     6    44    28    22     0     0     0    108
  N.A. calls  =      0     4     4    12     2     4     0     0     0     26
  S.A. calls  =      1     3     7    13     8     5     0     0     0     37
  Euro calls  =      0     0    14   382   136     4     0     0     0    536
  Afrc calls  =      0     0     0     5     4     1     0     0     0     10
  Asia calls  =      0     0     0    44     6     0     0     0     0     50
  JA calls    =      0     0     1    79     5     0     0     0     0     85
  Ocen calls  =      0     0    17    26     9     7     0     0     0     59
  Total calls =     11    31    91   848   499   633     0     0     0   2113


   1.           08  870
   2.           28  268
   3.           07  230
   4.           29   93
   5.           06   89
   6.           45   85
   7.           27   73
   8.           04   67
   9.           11   23
  10.           37   23
  11.           18   22
  12.           30   20
  13.           09   19
  14.           59   17
  15.           14   11
  16.           02   10
  17.           54    9
  18.           39    8
  19.           36    8
  20.           10    8

HR    160     80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT CUM TOTAL  SCORE
-- -----  ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ---------  -----
12  ---     ---      ---     67/17    58/15     2/2   127/34   127/34   0.01M
13  ---     ---      ---      6/1     78/3     58/5   142/9    269/43   0.04M
14  ---     ---      ---     11/2     61/3     47/0   119/5    388/48   0.06M
15  ---     ---      ---      ---     60/4     59/2   119/6    507/54   0.08M
16  ---     ---      ---      3/2     37/2     74/1   114/5    621/59   0.11M
17  ---     ---      ---      5/2     30/1     70/3   105/6    726/65   0.14M
18  ---     ---      ---      ---     13/2    117/1   130/3    856/68   0.17M
19  ---     ---      ---      9/4      2/1     89/1   100/6    956/74   0.20M
20  ---     ---      ---      2/0      8/3     85/4    95/7   1051/81   0.24M
21  ---     ---      ---      5/2     46/4     23/0    74/6   1125/87   0.28M
22  ---     ---      ---     47/12    39/0      ---    86/12  1211/99   0.35M
23  ---     ---      ---     77/3      7/4      5/2    89/9   1300/108  0.42M
 0  ---     ---      ---     36/1     33/1      4/2    73/4   1373/112  0.47M
 1  ---     ---     14/12    53/4      3/0      ---    70/16  1443/128  0.57M
 2  ---     ---      3/3    104/1      ---      ---   107/4   1550/132  0.64M
 3  ---    10/7      1/1     62/0     10/5      ---    83/13  1633/145  0.75M
 4  ---     4/1     10/5     38/1      ---      ---    52/7   1685/152  0.81M
 5  1/1     ---      ---     95/1      2/1      ---    98/3   1783/155  0.90M
 6  1/1     3/1      2/0     73/2      ---      ---    79/4   1862/159  0.98M
 7  1/1     ---      7/2     40/5      6/4      ---    54/12  1916/171  1.09M
 8  3/2     7/3     39/7      8/0      ---      ---    57/12  1973/183  1.20M
 9  3/1     ---     10/2     35/2      ---      ---    48/5   2021/188  1.27M
10  2/1     7/1      3/1     28/4      1/0      ---    41/7   2062/195  1.35M
11  ---     ---      2/1     44/1      5/0      ---    51/2   2113/197  1.41M

D1  0/0     0/0      0/0    232/45   439/42   629/21         1300/108
D2 11/7    31/13    91/34   616/22    60/11     4/2           813/89

TO 11/7    31/13    91/34   848/67   499/53   633/23         2113/197

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com