[3830] IARU EA5DFV M/S

jose.m.femenia@uv.es jose.m.femenia@uv.es
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 03:42:27 -0400 (EDT)

                     IARU HF Championship
Call: EA5DFV
Operator(s): EA5ON EA5DFV
Station: EA5DFV

Class: M/S  Power: HP
QTH: JM08as
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band     CW Qs    Ph Qs    Mults
  160:       0        3        3
   80:       0       16       14
   40:       0       90       37
   20:       0      735       67
   15:       0      707       57
   10:       0      437       33
Total:       0     1988      211  =  1,497,256

Club: URE


No conditions on 10m, only in sunday morning with strong and fast QSB to EU.
I was ready for a SO, but I was happy to meet with Duncan EA5ON and do the best 
on a MS, breaking the last year EA5URP results.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
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