[3830] IOTA GW0GEI SO12 Phone

steve at rjtraining.co.uk steve at rjtraining.co.uk
Tue Jul 31 21:47:12 EDT 2001

                     IOTA Contest
Call: GW0GEI

Class: SO12 Phone  Power: HP
QTH: EU124
Operating Time (hrs): 12

Summary:   CW       CW      Phone   Phone
 Band     QSOs     Mults    QSOs    Mults
   80:                        69       22
   40:                        59       16
   20:                       462       48
   15:                       317       38
   10:                       348       41
Total:                      1255      165  =  1,290,465

Club: Dragon ARS / Contest Cymru Group


IOTA - Contest Summary Sheet - Year: ___2001_____  IOTA Ref: __eu124________

Callsign:  GW0GEI                     Total Claimed Score   1290465

       Select 1.  Single Op          Single Op           Multi
                   24 hour: ____      12 hour: _X___        Op: ____

                                                           SSB only
Note:  Multi-Op entries must be 24 hour mixed mode.

       Contest DXpedition Station?      Yes: ____          No: _X___
Note:  A DXpedition station is one where the antennas and equipment
       were installed specifically for this contest.

     SDI - Copyright Paul O'Kane EI5DI 1990-2001   www.ei5di.com

     BAND             80m     40m     20m     15m     10m     Total

     Valid QSOs SSB    69      59     462     317     348      1255

     QSO Points       603     585    2970    1731    1932      7821

     Multipliers SSB   22      16      48      38      41       165

Island name and/or station location: __Ynys Mon / Isle of Anglesey_EU124
Give exact coordinates if island is not listed by name in Directory

TX/RX      __TS850sat plus FT920 and TL922 pa

Power o/p  __400w________

Antennas   __Hygain TH7 @ 15m, 80m inverted v, Butternut HF2v (40/80m)____

Operators  ___Steve GW0GEI______________________________________________

Comments   __WOW! What a buzz! 10m pile ups from EU were amazing! Best contest 
I’ve had for years._I even tried speaking slower for G3SJJ’s benefit! (see 
unsubstantiated complaint in Radcom article re GW6J in last years iota contest)

I declare that this station was operated strictly in accordance with
the rules and spirit of the contest and within the conditions of my
licence.  My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge.
I agree that the decision of the contest organisers shall be final
in all cases of dispute.  I agree to the data from this entry being
analysed and cross-checked by computer.

Signed:   ____Steve Jones______________________  Date: ______________________

Email:    __________________________  Tel:  ______________________

Name      Steve Jones           Callsign  GW0GEI
Address   Bron Heulog
          Ynys Mon
          LL77 7AJ

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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