[3830] W3AO/W3AMY 28A FD Score

Roland A. Anders anders at erols.com
Thu Jul 12 01:09:11 EDT 2001

Potomac Valley Radio Club/Columbia Amateur Radio Assn -
W3AO with W3AMY Novice/tech.
Class 28A
Preliminary score:  31,956
TOTAL QSO'S:  10,139

                CW                    DIG                    SSB
160            59                                                  58
80            553                          3                    719
40           1179                        16                 1276
20           1056                        74                 1840
15             701                        15                 1259
10             119                                               431
10N                                                               393
  6               29                                               199
  2               22                                                 94
222               2                                                   4
432             11                                                  24

Total        3731                       108                6297  + 3 SAT

CW POINTS    14924
SSB POINTS    12594
DIG POINTS        432
SAT POINTS           6

TOTAL QSO POINTS :     27956

BONUS POINTS:                 4000

TOTAL SCORE                  31956

Beats our 2000 score of 31,544--which was a new alltime/allclass high
scoring record

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