[3830] IARU WX0B(W4PA) SO CW

w4pa at yahoo.com w4pa at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 15 18:28:17 EDT 2001

                     IARU HF Championship
Call: WX0B
Operator(s): W4PA
Station: WX0B

Class: SO CW  Power: HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band     CW Qs    Ph Qs    Mults
  160:      14                 6
   80:      46                11
   40:     307                50
   20:    1036                74
   15:     570                58
   10:     283                23
Total:    2256        0      222  =  1,815,516



Interesting reading the comments from K5ZD and N9RV.  'ZD says EU was great,
'RV says EU tanked after 1800Z - down here just the opposite.  There really 
wasn't a morning European opening on the high bands, 20 and 15 were just
awful and only a couple of EU worked on 10.  After about 1900Z though Europe
started to come in on 15 and then 20 opened and stayed open all night.  I CQed
mostly on 20 the last 12 hours of the contest.  Low bands extremely noisy.
Did not hear any EU on 80 or 160.  Jay's new 2x2 on 40 is playing very well -
I was running JA on 40 right up until just before the contest ended and had
some great stuff call in there (VR2, YB, HL, DU and UA0's zone 34 and 35)

Scott Robbins, W4PA

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