[3830] 2001 IARU Intl HF Test
Alan C. Zack
k6acz at earthlink.net
Mon Jul 16 03:36:08 EDT 2001
After seeing W6EEN's posting of his contest scores I thought I'd give the
SCCC members a chuckle by posting mine. I have HOA restrictions which keep
me from putting up my tower and a beam which are stored away in my garage.
My primary antenna is a 36 inch diameter MFJ-1786 which I have disguised as
T.V. antenna that I described in the SCDXC Newsletter. It is on a 10 ft
supported by a 5 ft tripod on the roof of my single story house. It is
25 ft above ground level. I also have a R-7000 vertical which I use for 40
mtrs. It covers 10 thru 40 mtrs but the loop works much better. The
vertical is mounted on a 10 ft mast attached to a post holding up my patio
Conditions were not as good as they were last year or for the 2001 ARRL DX
and WPX contests. Not as many EU's were coming through nor were there as
many Asia/Pacific stations heard. I was strictly S&P and I was able to work
all I heard except for just one or two. I only worked one W/VE station per
zone per band for the mult but see I did miss a couple I could have used. I
started at 1200Z 7/14/01 and except for a couple of chow breaks worked
straight through until the wee hour of 0900Z 7/15/01 when the bands were all
flat and I had already worked everyone I could hear and called it quits.
Although my score and country count is low it does show you can contest and
have fun with low power and minimum antenna system.
IARU HF Championship -- 2001
Call: K6ACZ
Category: Single Operator
Power: Low Power
Band: All Band
Mode: SSB
Country: United States
Section: Orange
Software: CTWin 9.63
QTH: CA HOA Ant restricted area
Operating time: 20.5 hrs
160 0 0 0.00 0 0
80 0 0 0.00 0 0
40 12 30 2.50 7 3
20 85 333 3.92 24 14
15 26 94 3.62 11 2
10 10 36 3.60 7 0
Totals 133 493 3.71 49 19
Score: 33,524 points
All reports sent were 59, zone 06
Equipment Description:
Txcvr: Icom IC-746, 100 watts
Ant: 10 thru 20 meters, MFJ-1786 Loop disguised as a T.V. antenna
on a roof top mounted tripod 25 ft above ground. 40 mtrs, R-7000
vertical with base at 10 ft above ground.
Comments: Wished for better cond on 10 meters. Good DX normally
heard on 10 just was not there. Also a big reduction in stations heard
on 15, 20, and 40 compared to this year's ARRL DX and WPX contests.
Brags: Worked one all time new country for me, OJ0U, Market Reef,
otherwise worked run of the mill DX: FY, 4W, FK, DU, HS, 9V, HL, ZS,
BY, VY1(Z2), FO, and a bunch of EU stations, but Q count was way down
from normal.
Club Affiliation: So. Calif Contest Club
This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.
Signature _________________________________
IARU HF Championship Zones Checkoff Sheet
K6ACZ IARU HF Championship Single Operator 15 Jul 2001 0848z
1 ...X.. 16 ..X.X. 31 ...... 46 ...... 61 ....XX 76
2 ..XX.. 17 ...... 32 ...... 47 ...... 62 ...... 77
3 ...... 18 ...X.. 33 ...X.. 48 ...... 63 .....X 78
4 ...X.. 19 ...... 34 ...... 49 ...X.. 64 ...... 79
5 ...... 20 ...... 35 ...... 50 ...XX. 65 ...... 80
6 ..XXXX 21 ...... 36 ...... 51 ...... 66 ...... 81
7 ..XXXX 22 ...... 37 ...X.. 52 ...... 67 ...... 82
8 ..XXXX 23 ...... 38 ...... 53 ...... 68 ...... 83
9 ...X.. 24 ...... 39 ...... 54 ...X.. 69 ...... 84
10 ....X. 25 ...... 40 ...... 55 ...... 70 ...... 85
11 ..XXX. 26 ...... 41 ...... 56 ...X.. 71 ...... 86
12 ...X.. 27 ...X.. 42 ...... 57 ...X.. 72 ...... 87
13 ...... 28 ...X.. 43 ...... 58 ...... 73 ...... 88
14 ..XXX. 29 ...X.. 44 ...X.. 59 .....X 74 ...... 89
15 ...XX. 30 ...... 45 ...XX. 60 .....X 75 ...... 90
HQ Multipliers Worked
14-Jul-01 1219 SSB 14000 P41HQ 59 AARC AARC 1
14-Jul-01 1304 SSB 14000 NU1AW 59 IARU IARU 1
14-Jul-01 1442 SSB 14000 HS0AC 59 RAST RAST 1
14-Jul-01 1444 SSB 14000 VE4RAC 59 RAC RAC 1
14-Jul-01 1508 SSB 7000 W1AW/6 59 ARRL ARRL 1
14-Jul-01 1530 SSB 14000 W1AW/6 59 ARRL ARRL 1
14-Jul-01 1745 SSB 21000 HS0AC 59 RAST RAST 1
14-Jul-01 2235 SSB 14000 PA6HQ 59 VERON VERON 1
14-Jul-01 2247 SSB 14000 DA0HQ 59 DARC DARC 1
14-Jul-01 2324 SSB 14000 OL1HQ 59 CRC CRC 1
15-Jul-01 0049 SSB 21000 W1AW/6 59 ARRL ARRL 1
15-Jul-01 0116 SSB 14000 YL4HQ 59 LRAL LRAL 1
15-Jul-01 0117 SSB 14000 9A0HQ 59 HRS HRS 1
15-Jul-01 0247 SSB 14000 SN0HQ 59 PZK PZK 1
15-Jul-01 0251 SSB 14000 IU4HQ 59 ARI ARI 1
15-Jul-01 0422 SSB 14000 OM1HQ 59 SARA SARA 1
15-Jul-01 0423 SSB 14000 SK9HQ 59 SSA SSA 1
15-Jul-01 0527 SSB 7000 VE6RAC 59 RAC RAC 1
15-Jul-01 0845 SSB 7000 NU1AW 59 IARU IARU 1
Amateur Radio Station K6ACZ
Anaheim, Southern California, USA
Quality Engineer, The Boeing Company
Aviation Chief Warrant Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
U.S. Coast Guard, Always Ready, Always There
Every hour, Every day, Around the Clock and Around the World
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