[3830] IARU DL1IAO(@DL0WW) SO Mixed

DL1IAO at contesting.com DL1IAO at contesting.com
Tue Jul 17 15:47:12 EDT 2001

                     IARU HF Championship
Call: DL1IAO
Operator(s): DL1IAO
Station: DL0WW

Class: SO Mixed  Power: HP
QTH: SW Germany
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band     CW Qs    Ph Qs    Mults
  160:      13        6       15
   80:      92       31       32
   40:     167       29       49
   20:     487      581       74
   15:     460      430       75
   10:      79      116       44
Total:    1298     1193      289  =  2,637,125

Club: Bavarian Contest Club (BCC)


2nd radio QSOs: 351 (one signal)

best last-10 rate: 387
best hour: 185

Equipment Description:

TS870 + Alpha87
FT1000MP + TL922

CT v9.23 network on 2 notebooks

(160) 25m INV L
 (80) Bobtail (NW/SE), Delta Loop (NE/SE)
 (40) 3el Yagi @21m
 (20) 4el Yagi @27m
 (15) 5el Yagi @25m
 (10) 6el Yagi @23m
 (RX) magnetic Loop


Gave all and had a blast!  2nd radio was especially useful chasing all the loud 
HQ stations without interrupting the highband runs significantly.  One hour 
before the start I had no power and wired up the equipment in complete 
darkness.  Thanks to Manfred/DF9ZW we were able to fix it!  With 10 minutes to 
go I lost power again but was able to fix it by myself.  No more complaints 
after that.  

Until about 0745z I did not even think of leaving the chair.  As expected the 
late morning hours were not too productive and the rate started to drop below 
100.  During these hours I heard KQ2M a couple of times running stations (maybe 
US) very fast.  

Thanks to all the rare DX stations for calling in and to those willing to move 
to another band!

Stefan, DL1IAO

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