[3830] GQP - AA4LR

Bill Coleman aa4lr at arrl.net
Tue Jul 24 19:03:21 EDT 2001

Georgia QSO Party

Call: AA4LR
County: Gwinnett

          SSB       SSB
Band      QSOs      Mults
160m        0         0
80m         6         1
40m         9         4
20m        15        10
15m        18         7
10m         2         2
           50    *   24       = 1200

Operating Time: 2.7 hours


Spent most of my energy working on my tower instead of operating. Managed 
to get the mast in the 15' of tower, but my wife couldn't lift a tower 
section. Dan, W4EA came over on Sunday and helped me mount one section, 
so I'm ready to install another house bracket. 

Just a few hours of operating. Didn't hear many GA stations, and called 
all I could. Called CQ almost exclusively. K4BAI called me on 40m.

Despite W4NTI's admonition, I spent a lot of time on 40m and 80m, but did 
not manage to work an AL station. Perhaps next year I'll get to spend 
some more time, as well as work some CW.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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