ke7aj at pipeline.com ke7aj at pipeline.com
Tue Jul 24 21:30:42 EDT 2001

                     North America QSO Party - RTTY
Call: KE7AJ
Operator(s): KE7AJ

Class: SO LP
Operating Time (hrs): 9.5

 Band     QSOs  Mults
   80:      0      0
   40:     51     27
   20:    175     41
   15:     96     37
   10:      0      0
Total:    323    106  =  34,347

Club/Team: EWARG


First RTTY contest since moving from AZ 19 months ago.  Was somewhat limited by 
not having any 80 meter antenna and a poor 40 meter antenna.  It was nice to be 
back on RTTY and working some old friends and makeing new ones.  The bands sure 
are different from WA as compared to the old Scottsdale AZ QTH.  I did not work 
any other YL or XYL's that I know of, where there any on ?  Hope to be able to 
get in more RTTY contests in the fall.  Thanks for the Q's and repeats, some 
what "rusty" and nervous after a 19 month lay off but had fun.


Barbara  KE7AJ

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