[3830] IOTA DL1EFD/P SO24 CW

dl1efd at rrdxa.de dl1efd at rrdxa.de
Tue Jul 31 16:00:05 EDT 2001

                     IOTA Contest
Call: DL1EFD/P
Operator(s): DL1EFD

Class: SO24 CW  Power: LP
QTH: EU-047
Operating Time (hrs): 19

Summary:   CW       CW      Phone   Phone
 Band     QSOs     Mults    QSOs    Mults
   80:      83       17                  
   40:     151       32                  
   20:     442       54                  
   15:     263       42                  
   10:      88       19                  
Total:    1027      164                    =  1,203,924



QTH was Langeoog, IOTA EU-047

I just did not sleep enough the week before the contest. We arrived at my YL's
parents QTH, about 20km from the coast only on Saturday 1 am and had to catch
an early ferry to the island. So I decided to have a break at 2 am local.
Unfortunately I overslept until 7 am.

Activity was great and nice short skip especially to G most of the time.
I managed to nearly reach my QSO and Mult totals from last year when I operated
full time. Average Points/QSO was up from 6.0 to 7.1, so the score is still
better than last years. If I only hadn't been so tired :-(

Thanks again to Hannes, DK3BH for letting me use his office as a shack.

73 Carsten DL1EFD

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