goodmancpa at enter.net goodmancpa at enter.net
Mon Mar 5 14:41:59 EST 2001

                     ARRL DX Contest, SSB
Call: K3ANS
Operator(s): K3ANS, W2CG, W2NO, K2NJ, N3AD, K3MD, WF3H, N3PUR, W3ZL, N3IYX,, KF4ERW
Station: K3ANS

Class: M/M HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     33     26
   80:    208     68
   40:    431     85
   20:   1514    128
   15:   1273    128
   10:   1316    122
Total:   4775    557  =  7,903,830

Club: Frankford Radio Club, Inc.


First time ever, we had enough operators to man all five positions.  Packet 
connection was fragile, so we generally monitored it and could not issue DX 
spots or talk.  Conditions were down from ARRL DX CW. Friday and Saturday were 
better than Sunday into JA.  Snow static covered up QSOs on Sunday.  High a 
bosrption reduced QSOs on 160 and 80. Noise was high Friday, but quiet on 
Saturday night. 40 meters was a treat, despite the broadcast stations and split 
operation!  10 meters was good despite the low SFI.  Thanks to WF3H, W3ZL, 
N3IYX, K3MD for lending gear.  No gear or antenna broke, for first time in many 
contests.   Major snow storm threat and start, scared off operators on Sunday 
afternoon, so we were actually short for last 6 hours, and over staffed rest of 
contest.  The storm fizzled, but it was too late to keep staff.  

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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