k4ma at mindspring.com k4ma at mindspring.com
Sat Mar 17 17:07:08 EST 2001

                     ARRL DX Contest, SSB
Call: 8P9JA
Operator(s): K4MA & AA4NC
Station: 8P9Z

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Barbados
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     94     30
   80:    505     58
   40:    684     59
   20:   2143     60
   15:   1778     60
   10:   3435     61
Total:   8639    328  =  8,500,776

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


K4ISV reported 8369 X 336 = 8,435,952 for VP5B on the real 3830
after the contest.  That is only a difference of 64,851 or 0.76%.
It's Bush vs Gore all over again, too close to call.

160M was very tough sledding.  All signals (even VE1ZZ) were weak,
and we never could get our receive antennas to work right.  We
apologize for being a major alligator.

Given 160M conditions, 75M was pretty good, but I sort of expected
that.  8P5A (W2SC) was the loudest Caribbean station on 80M in ARRL CW.
We consistently got reports of 20-30 over from the East Coast and
solid S9 from the West Coast.  Mults missed: WY, VE8, VO2, VY0, VY1 

Given that we had no 40M beam (it's broken), we did better on 40M SSB
that I thought we would.  Mults missed: VE8, VO2, VY0, VY1

High bands were great.  On 20 & 15, missed: VE8, VY0, VY1.
Got a VY1 on 10M.

Following is the rate sheet.  QRATE said the best hour was 343
during the 20-21 hour on Saturday.  This was by K4MA which was
a personal best for me.

Another interesting piece of data.  This was the 4th trip to 8P9Z
for Will and I.  Between 4 contests and some operating outside
of the contests, the 8P9JA callsign has made over 33,000 QSOs.

Thanks for all the Qs.

73, Jim K4MA & 8P9JA


HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

   0    .....    .....    .....   258/49     3/3     .....   261/52  261/52 
   1      .        .        .     294/7      3/2       .     297/9   558/61 
   2      .        .       2/2    289/1      1/1       .     292/4   850/65 
   3      .        .       2/2    285/0       .        .     287/2  1137/67 
   4      .       3/3    114/33    95/1       .        .     212/37 1349/104
   5    20/15   111/37    11/2     18/0       .        .     160/54 1509/158
   6     3/2    117/7     16/4       .        .        .     136/13 1645/171
   7     4/1       .      43/2     85/0       .        .     132/3  1777/174
   8    11/1     27/3     21/1      2/0     .....    .....    61/5  1838/179
   9     4/2     20/0     46/4       .        .        .      70/6  1908/185
  10     2/1       .      52/1     19/0       .        .      73/2  1981/187
  11      .        .        .      61/0      6/6      6/5     73/11 2054/198
  12      .        .        .      85/0     39/15      .     124/15 2178/213
  13      .        .        .        .     186/21     1/1    187/22 2365/235
  14      .        .        .        .      68/4    197/35   265/39 2630/274
  15      .        .        .        .        .     272/12   272/12 2902/286
  16    .....    .....    .....     1/1      2/2    195/4    198/7  3100/293
  17      .        .        .        .        .     252/0    252/0  3352/293
  18      .        .        .        .        .     279/2    279/2  3631/295
  19      .        .        .        .        .     292/0    292/0  3923/295
  20      .        .        .        .     201/3    112/0    313/3  4236/298
  21      .        .        .        .     301/2       .     301/2  4537/300
  22      .        .        .        .     193/0     75/0    268/0  4805/300
  23      .        .        .        .      83/0    163/1    246/1  5051/301
   0    .....    .....     1/1     50/0    151/0     .....   202/1  5253/302
   1      .       1/1       .     199/0       .        .     200/1  5453/303
   2      .       1/1     30/1    126/0       .        .     157/2  5610/305
   3      .      14/0    143/1       .        .        .     157/1  5767/306
   4    21/2     79/2      1/1       .        .        .     101/5  5868/311
   5     5/1      2/0     87/1       .        .        .      94/2  5962/313
   6     2/1     70/1     10/1       .        .        .      82/3  6044/316
   7    16/2      3/0     51/0       .        .        .      70/2  6114/318
   8     5/2     25/0      4/0     19/0     .....    .....    53/2  6167/320
   9     1/0     19/0      8/0     11/0       .        .      39/0  6206/320
  10      .      10/0     19/0     11/0       .        .      40/0  6246/320
  11      .        .      21/0     34/0       .        .      55/0  6301/320
  12      .        .        .      17/0     51/0       .      68/0  6369/320
  13      .        .        .       1/0     72/0      2/0     75/0  6444/320
  14      .        .        .        .        .     130/0    130/0  6574/320
  15      .        .        .        .        .     169/0    169/0  6743/320
  16    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....   180/0    180/0  6923/320
  17      .        .        .        .        .     199/0    199/0  7122/320
  18      .        .        .       1/1       .     218/0    219/1  7341/321
  19      .        .        .        .        .     272/0    272/0  7613/321
  20      .        .        .        .       4/1    267/1    271/2  7884/323
  21      .        .        .        .     101/0    154/0    255/0  8139/323
  22      .       2/2      1/1       .     282/0       .     285/3  8424/326
  23      .       1/1      1/1    182/0     31/0       .     215/2  8639/328
DAY1    44/22   278/50   307/51  1492/59  1086/59  1844/60    ..... 5051/301
DAY2    50/8    227/8    377/8    651/1    692/1   1591/1       .   3588/27 
TOT     94/30   505/58   684/59  2143/60  1778/60  3435/61      .   8639/328

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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