Clive Whelan clive_whelan at btinternet.com
Mon Mar 19 00:16:51 EST 2001


    Contest Dates : 17-Mar-01, 18-Mar-01

    Callsign Used : GW3NJW
         Operator : GW3NJW

         Category : SOAB CW only

 Default Exchange : 599#

             Name : Clive Whelan
          Address : Station House, Peterston-super-Ely,
   City/State/Zip : Cardiff CF5 6NE. United Kingdom
          Country : Wales

        Team/Club : Contest Cymru

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

  160CW        4           4         26       2         4 
   80CW       76          76        458      19        23 
   40CW      140         139        917      33        29 
   20CW      227         221       1457      41        38 
   15CW      259         253       1768      50        30 
   10CW      230         225       1659      49        27 

 Totals      936         918       6285     194       151 

    Final Score = 2168325 points.

Run radio TS930S/PIEXX+Alpha 78 400 watts output
Run ant.  Butternut HF9V
Mult radio FT1000MP 100 watts output
Mult ant. 40m inverted vee doublet at 9m

A part time effort only

These boys put us ( the U.K.) to shame when it comes to 
supporting their own contests. Some good DX, although no great 
weight of it

Highlight: being called by KL7 on 28Mhz
Lowlight:  missing GW on all bands!

I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations 
established for amateur radio in my country.  My report is 
correct and true to the best of my knowledge.  I agree to be 
bound by the decisions of the Awards Committee.

Date 18 March 2001   Signed C.Whelan  Call GW3NJW

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
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