scottal at erinet.com scottal at erinet.com
Sun Mar 25 20:28:28 EST 2001

                     CQWW WPX - SSB
Call: WO8CC
Operator(s): N8NR, N8BJQ, N9AG
Station: N8NR

Class: M/SAB HP
QTH: Ohio
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band     QSOs   Prefixes
  160:     14
   80:    194
   40:    107
   20:    901
   15:   1094
   10:   1230
Total:   3540 x   1076  =  9,639,884



This score is approximate because the computers lost synch a couple times and
I got only one of the files.  Won't make much difference and certainly not
enought to catch NF4A!

Weird conditions on 15 meters on Sunday with very weak and fluttery signals
while 10 meters was much better.  Outstanding 20 meter conditions Saturday
night until about 5 AM local time.  This score is about as good as three guys
on the edge of the black hole can do...

Thanks to the county REA for quieting down some lightning arrestors about
4 miles away that caused S9+30 dB noise on the low bands and nearly S7 on 20

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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