[3830] WPX SSB - YT6A SO/10m/HP

K3ZAX yt6a at cg.yu
Tue Mar 27 16:35:02 EST 2001

YT6A - SO/10m/HP

Op. YT6A

Location - Obosnik hill


1850 Q's x 750 mpls  =3D  3,5 M/pts




FT1000D + Alpha 91B +  5 el./6m BOOM


This contest was my personal celebration. After TWO years I came on =
Obosnik hill - my dreaming contest site - again!!!!!

Wanted to put six yagis stack on 50m tower, but weather conditions did =
not prove that. Finaly I put one 6m bommer ( 5 el. OWA ) on 12m tower =
and take participation in contest without any serious intention.


Fortunately, last four hours did 450 USA's and fiel advantages of =


My excuse to all who caled and I did not copy, but had very frustrating =
power line noise from NW direction.


See you in upcoming contests.



Ranko - YT6A / 4O6A

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