[3830] SV1DNW SPDX RTTY Contest

Elias Bak sv1dnw at yahoo.com
Sat May 5 03:58:25 EDT 2001

-+- SPDX RTTY Contest -+-
Sponsored by PZK

CALL: SV1DNW                 Country:HELLAS,GREECE
___ A. Single OP., All Band,LOW POWER.

 	 QSOs	Points	DX:	Provinces
80m: 	8	31	3	3
40m:	76	409	27	11
20m:	89	482	28	15
15m:	121	621	26	13
10m:	87	501	33	5
Total:	381	2044	117	47

Continents:		5 (AS EU OC SA AF )
Total multipliers:	164
Score:			1676080
Station Description:TX/RX: YAESU FT-840 ABT 100W 
Antenna(s):10m: 4 ELEMENT YAGI.
           20,15m: HF5B 2 ELEMENT
           80,40m: DIPOLE 
This is to certify that in this contest I have
operated my transmitter
within the limitations of my license and have observed
fully the rules
and regulations of the contest.

Signature__ELIAS BAKOPOULOS___________ Call SV1DNW    

Elias Bakopoulos, SV1DNW	
Athens,100 35	

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FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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