[3830] NJ4M CQ-M SO LP CW Only

Ron Wetjen wd4ahz at gte.net
Tue May 15 20:49:12 EDT 2001

                    2001 CQ-M INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST
Call used: NJ4M                                            Location: K
Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: CW              Power: 100W
Callsign of Operator: WD4AHZ
Exchanged Information: NJ4M RST nr
Hours of Operation: 08:00
band      QSOs      points    mults
160          0           0       0
 80          0           0       0
 40          4           9       4
 20        139         345      34
 15          3           7       3
 10          0           0       0
TOTAL      146         361      41      SCORE: 14,801
Club or Team Name: Florida Contest Group       
Comments:  Conditions were not very good at all, otherwise, would
have spent more time at it.

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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