[3830] CQWW CW K3LR Multi Multi

Tim Duffy k3lr@k3lr.com
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 21:28:32 -0600

Congrats to the KC1XX team for another outstanding effort.

Also kudos to W3LPL, N2RM and K9NS teams.

What an interesting weekend! It was great fun to experience such varied
conditions. The propagation variables are what make radio "real".
If conditions were good all of the time, wouldn't it be just like the

We had another outstanding crew for this year's event. Congrats to K3LR
Rookies VE7ZO and KL9A for making long distance travel trips to join us
and to N3SD for helping out on 15.
What a pleasure it was to see the WRTC Canada team in action on 20
meters with VE3EJ and VE7ZO. They will do very well in Finland next
K9ZO worked very hard on 80. VA3RU joined K9VV for a fantastic 40 meter
The K3UA and N3RA team were back in the 15 meter saddle where they have
been for 10 straight K3LR events. W9KNI made his 4th trip in a row to
help out Chris, KL9A using the redesigned 10 meter stacked yagi array.
Yes, the KL9A call was being used for a single band effort from the KL7Y

Big time thanks to W9ZRX for his valuable advise and computer expertise!

We'll see you in February for ARRL DX CW!

Very 73,
Tim K3LR

                     CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 2001

       Call:      K3LR
       Category:  Multi Multi
       Power:     High Power
       Band:      All Band
       Mode:      CW
       Country:   United States
       Zone:      5


       160     96   173      14      35      K3LR + W9ZRX
        80    322   846      24      85      K9ZO
        40   1519  4276      37     133      VA3RU + K9VV
        20   1856  5289      40     151      VE3EJ + VE7ZO
        15   1473  4250      39     148      K3UA + N3RA + N3SD
        10   1521  4322      37     144      KL9A + W9KNI

      Totals 6787 191562    191     696  =>  16,991,372

  Club: North Coast Contesters

                               Continent Statistics
      K3LR   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Multi Multi     25 Nov 2001  2359z

                  160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America    65   79  166  169  126  154  759    10.7
South America    12   17   32   54   64   92  271     3.8
Europe           15  209 1258 1390 1024 1046 4942    69.4
Asia              1    7  109  309  250  213  889    12.5
Africa            1   10   23   29   36   29  128     1.8
Oceania           2    5   29   34   27   31  128     1.8


HOUR   160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT

  0     9/8     19/22   149/62   108/76   120/56    63/25  468/249  468/249
  1     3/2     20/17   117/21    97/19    62/9     36/16   335/84  803/333
  2    14/4     23/12    98/12    59/17    36/8     22/4    252/57 1055/390
  3     8/4     24/10   112/7     61/9     29/11      .     234/41 1289/431
  4     6/3     24/5     80/12    71/14     9/2       .     190/36 1479/467
  5     3/4     21/5     76/5     80/8      2/2       .     182/24 1661/491
  6     5/3     17/7     55/3     40/11     4/2       .     121/26 1782/517
  7     2/0      3/0      6/4      5/0      8/5       .      24/9  1806/526
  8     4/5      9/12    13/5     49/8      6/4     .....    81/34 1887/560
  9     7/2      4/4     10/3     48/2     13/6       .      82/17 1969/577
10     3/0      4/2     12/7     44/0       .        .      63/9  2032/586
11     3/1      4/0     12/0     28/1     19/11     5/5     71/18 2103/604
12      .       1/0     12/2     14/1     19/9     38/24    84/36 2187/640
13      .        .        .      17/0     13/10    36/15    66/25 2253/665
14      .        .        .      39/2     28/4     44/8    111/14 2364/679
15      .        .        .      51/2     32/8     36/13   119/23 2483/702
16    .....    .....    .....    31/0     55/3     91/10   177/13 2660/715
17      .        .        .      40/0     42/5     47/4    129/9  2789/724
18      .        .        .      54/3     42/3     26/8    122/14 2911/738
19      .        .       1/0     51/3     29/3     28/2    109/8  3020/746
20      .        .       5/2     53/0     22/1     15/0     95/3  3115/749
21      .       3/2     40/2     39/0     19/1      6/0    107/5  3222/754
22      .       1/2     47/2     25/4     16/0     11/1    100/9  3322/763
23      .       4/0     41/1     32/3     10/0     12/3     99/7  3421/770
  0     2/1      5/0     43/3     43/1      6/0      6/0    105/5  3526/775
  1      .       7/1     33/0     51/0      7/0      1/0     99/1  3625/776
  2     1/1     14/1     19/5     27/1      2/1       .      63/9  3688/785
  3     1/0     14/0     40/2     14/0      1/0       .      70/2  3758/787
  4     4/2     10/0     48/0     11/0       .        .      73/2  3831/789
  5     7/4     33/0     60/0     10/0       .        .     110/4  3941/793
  6     8/3     33/2     51/0     10/0      1/1       .     103/6  4044/799
  7     2/0      5/1     77/0     15/0       .        .      99/1  4143/800
  8     2/0      4/2     90/1     18/0      1/0     .....   115/3  4258/803
  9      .       5/0     26/1     13/1       .        .      44/2  4302/805
10      .       3/2     14/1      8/0      1/0       .      26/3  4328/808
11     1/0      2/0     13/3     35/1     12/2      9/2     72/8  4400/816
12      .       1/0     20/2     29/1     97/5     81/12   228/20 4628/836
13      .        .       2/1     25/0    108/4    157/13   292/18 4920/854
14      .        .        .      20/0     94/2    157/3    271/5  5191/859
15      .        .        .      23/0     86/1    146/3    255/4  5446/863
16    .....    .....    .....    16/0     75/0    126/0    217/0  5663/863
17      .        .        .      18/0    101/1     93/0    212/1  5875/864
18      .        .        .      52/0     73/0     47/3    172/3  6047/867
19      .        .        .      68/0     65/0     36/0    169/0  6216/867
20      .        .       8/0     57/0     51/2     20/0    136/2  6352/869
21      .        .      39/1     62/1     26/2     29/2    156/6  6508/875
22     1/2      1/0     18/0     52/0     17/1     50/2    139/5  6647/880
23      .       4/0     32/0     43/2     14/2     47/3    140/7  6787/887
DAY1  67/36  181/100  886/150 1136/183  635/163  516/138    ..... 3421/770
DAY2  29/13   141/9    633/20   720/8    838/24  1005/43      .   3366/117
TOT   96/49  322/109 1519/170 1856/191 1473/187 1521/181      .   6787/887

                            QSO Counts By Band-Country

      K3LR   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Multi Multi     25 Nov 2001  2359z

  PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10 

    9A                 5          16          19           8          18 

    CT     1           2           4           8           6          10 

    DL     1          34         210         185         151         171 

    EA                 6          33          50          36          31 

   EA8     1           3           4           4          10           5 

    EU                 2           6           8           8          11 

     F     2          13          68          68          54          64 

     G     4           8          98          66          51          53 

    HA     1           9          38          42          26          32 

    HB                 4          22          17          13          16 

     I                 6          53          75          39          46 

    JA                 2          71         164         184         178 

     K    25          22          63          58          23          45 

    LA                            11          10          11           9 

    LU                 2           5          20          15          37 

    LY                 4          18          23          23          19 

    LZ                 1          14          14          15          15 

    OE                 2          11          21          10          13 

    OH                 2          24          57          27          26 

    OK                24         116          90          92         102 

    OM                 6          36          31          26          32 

    ON     1           7          19          19          15          15 

    OZ                 3          14          12           6           6 

    PA                 9          26          21          22          17 

    PY     2           1          11          13          22          22 

    S5                17          44          36          27          36 

    SM                 1          23          42          27          21 

    SP     1           7          63          65          61          60 

    UA                 3          56         155          83          50 

   UA9                            14          88          24          14 

    UN                             5          11           4           1 

    UR                 6          91          83          63          46 

    YL                 2          15          15          11          11 

    YO                            13          19          14          15 

    YU                 6          35          48          26          31 

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com