JBaumgarte at aol.com JBaumgarte at aol.com
Thu Nov 8 15:39:38 EST 2001

N0IJ  Single op high power  23-1/2 hours  Minnesota Section--unassisted
Band                 Qso's
80                     198
40                     147
20                     379
15                     292
10                      59

Totals:  1075   80 mults               172,000 points  (for purple)

This was my 44th CW entry and the very first sweep (plenty of SSB ones). 
Was really a thrill when VO1WET called me on 20 early Sunday morning for the 
first of 4 NL contacts.  In perusing the log, I believe I had at least 2 in 
every section except NWT--certainly a wonderful representation.  It does 
appear, however that the numbers may have been down even with the good 

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