[3830] K8SB ARRL Sweepstakes CW QRP

Stanley Briggs sbriggs69 at home.com
Tue Nov 20 17:00:10 EST 2001

                          2001 ARRL NOVEMBER SWEEPSTAKES
      Call used: K8SB                                           Location: =
      Mode: CW                Power: 5W
      Callsign of Operator(s): STANLEY J. BRIGGS                          =
      Exchanged Information: nr Q K8SB 53 MI =20
      Hours of Operation: 22:56
      band      QSOs     points
      160          0          0
       80         45         90
       40        235        470
       20        107        214
       15         58        116
       10         93        186
      TOTAL      538       1076   X   75 multipliers  =3D  80,700
  Comments: This was my first effort using QRP on Sweepstakes.  Using an =
Elecraft K2 and wire antennas in the trees.=20
Had a lot of fun and definitely will do it again next year!

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