[3830] CQWW CW SOSB 15M Low Power - ZC4BS

Steve B stephen.b at cytanet.com.cy
Sun Nov 25 20:32:26 EST 2001

QSO     Zones     DX
1382     28          94

Total  455,670pts

Rig:  Yaesu FT1000MP Mk5
PWR:  100 Watts
Antenna:  Coaxial dipole
Software: Writelog  (brilliant !!)

My last CQWW contest from ZC4 as I only have another 8 months left on =
Some nice surprises and I worked 10 new countries on CW. Hopefully =
surprised everyone else too with at least three ZC4 stations active.

ZC4BS - Steve   SOSB 15m
ZC4VG - Jeff   SOSB 20m

Best wishes

Steve  ZC4BS (op G4KIV)

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