John Devoldere john.devoldere at pandora.be
Mon Nov 26 13:18:12 EST 2001

                       CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

  Call: OQ1T
Operator(s): ON4UN
Station: ON4UN

  Class: SOAB(A) HP
  QTH: Belgium
Operating Time (hrs): 31.5


   Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
    160:    164     9      51
     80:     330    20     78
     40:     536    34     111
     20:     600    35     114
     15:     437    30     110
     10:     517    31     116
  Total:   2584    159   580  =  3,998,817

  Club/Team: RRDXA

The XYL went into the hospital a few days before the contest and had an
Hence no visiting guest operators, just low pitch contesting, sharing my
time between
  hospital visits and the shack.
I wished I had not used the OQ-prefix. I've seen me spotted as OZ1T, OY1T
and OK1T.
People just don't expect the OQ prefix and are puzzled... Lots of time lost.
No need to comment about the Aurora, I guess... We all witnessed it.
In total I operated 31.5 hours, and missed all East and Pacific openings.

EQUIPMENT: two FT100MP MK5, two ACOM 2000 amps, ON4UN antenna farm with a
Force 12 CX31 tribander for multiplier antenna. It works well!

73,  John, ON4UN

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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