[3830] CQWW CW K5TR M/S HP
geoiii at kkn.net
geoiii at kkn.net
Mon Nov 26 12:51:18 EST 2001
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW
Call: K5TR
Operator(s): K5PI, K5TR
Station: K5TR
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Texas
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 20 9 17
80: 67 22 63
40: 537 31 106
20: 381 39 123
15: 778 37 130
10: 992 35 133
Total: 2775 173 572 = 5,677,645
Club/Team: CTDXCC
Contest Dates : 24-Nov-01, 25-Nov-01, 26-Nov-01
Callsign Used : K5TR
Operators : K5PI, K5TR
Category : M/S
Default Exchange : 599 4
Team/Club : CTDXCC
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Countries Zones
160CW 20 20 41 17 9
80CW 67 67 179 63 22
40CW 553 537 1468 106 31
20CW 384 381 1013 123 39
15CW 794 778 2132 130 37
10CW 1004 992 2788 133 35
Totals 2822 2775 7621 572 173
Final Score = 5,677,645 points.
This was a fun weekend at the K5TR QTH - the conditions on Saturday
morning were kinda of painful but overall it was fun. The plan was
to have four ops for thise M/S effort but we lost one in the week
before the contest and then the other on friday but K5PI and I made
the best of it. Since neither of us thought we would be the only
two ops will did not get any naps or rest before the contest and I
was even doing antenna work on friday etc..... so we were quite tired.
K5PI did a GREAT job doing most of the running in the contest while
I worked on my CW pileup busting skills.
160 - Inverted L with 4 elevated radials.
80 - Half wave sloping dipole - sloped NE from 80'.
- NE/SW unterminated beverage about 500' long.
- NW/SE unterminated beverage about 500' long.
40 - Cushcraft 40-2CD at 97'
- Dipole NW/SW at 120'
20 - 6 element 44' boom yagi at 90'
- 6 element 44' boom yagi fixed NW at 40'
- Cushcraft 4 element yagi fixed on South America at 60'
15 - Cushcraft 4 element yagi at 70'
- Telrex 3 element yagi at 35' fixed on South America
10 - Cushcraft 4 element yagi at 60'
- 6 element 24' boom yagi at 30' fixed on Europe
Continent List
160 80 40 20 15 10 30 17 12 ALL
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---
USA calls = 3 1 27 28 43 43 0 0 0 145
VE calls = 2 2 33 25 40 31 0 0 0 133
N.A. calls = 8 17 29 21 32 28 0 0 0 135
S.A. calls = 5 9 17 22 39 40 0 0 0 132
Euro calls = 0 24 147 143 324 444 0 0 0 1082
Afrc calls = 0 5 9 17 22 22 0 0 0 75
Asia calls = 0 3 17 41 45 32 0 0 0 138
JA calls = 0 1 234 71 211 327 0 0 0 844
Ocen calls = 2 5 24 13 22 25 0 0 0 91
Total calls = 20 67 537 381 778 992 0 0 0 2775
HR 160 80 40 20 15 10 HR TOT CUM TOTAL SCORE
-- ----- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ --------- -----
0 --- --- 2/3 24/37 23/36 93/16 142/92 142/92 0.03M
1 --- --- 34/43 11/16 --- 86/12 131/71 273/163 0.12M
2 --- 4/8 --- 12/17 20/21 68/1 104/47 377/210 0.22M
3 --- --- 10/11 8/9 93/14 4/5 115/39 492/249 0.34M
4 --- --- 6/8 39/10 43/11 --- 88/29 580/278 0.44M
5 3/5 4/5 18/5 40/7 --- --- 65/22 645/300 0.53M
6 1/1 6/7 3/2 31/4 --- --- 41/14 686/314 0.59M
7 --- 4/5 15/9 11/0 --- --- 30/14 716/328 0.63M
8 3/5 8/11 --- 7/3 --- --- 18/19 734/347 0.68M
9 --- --- 68/7 --- --- --- 68/7 802/354 0.76M
10 --- --- 55/9 --- --- --- 55/9 857/363 0.84M
11 --- --- 27/2 --- --- --- 27/2 884/365 0.87M
12 3/6 --- 6/1 --- --- --- 9/7 893/372 0.90M
13 --- 2/3 5/7 10/4 --- 5/10 22/24 915/396 0.98M
14 --- --- --- --- 22/14 20/26 42/40 957/436 1.13M
15 --- --- --- --- 29/3 13/13 42/16 999/452 1.22M
16 --- --- --- --- 17/7 10/12 27/19 1026/471 1.31M
17 --- --- --- --- 29/4 --- 29/4 1055/475 1.36M
18 --- --- --- --- 34/4 12/12 46/16 1101/491 1.47M
19 --- --- --- --- 12/10 36/6 48/16 1149/507 1.58M
20 --- --- --- 10/10 34/1 3/3 47/14 1196/521 1.67M
21 --- --- --- 1/1 45/4 5/2 51/7 1247/528 1.76M
22 --- --- --- 2/2 1/1 62/4 65/7 1312/535 1.87M
23 --- --- 2/2 1/1 4/5 61/2 68/10 1380/545 2.01M
0 --- --- 7/8 3/3 51/3 17/2 78/16 1458/561 2.19M
1 --- 4/6 4/5 --- 40/2 15/0 63/13 1521/574 2.35M
2 2/2 8/9 1/1 41/3 14/0 --- 66/15 1587/589 2.52M
3 2/2 7/8 1/1 64/6 --- --- 74/17 1661/606 2.71M
4 --- 2/2 3/4 32/2 --- --- 37/8 1698/614 2.81M
5 2/2 2/2 50/1 --- --- --- 54/5 1752/619 2.92M
6 --- 9/9 34/2 --- --- --- 43/11 1795/630 3.05M
7 3/3 1/2 23/0 --- --- --- 27/5 1822/635 3.12M
8 --- 2/2 35/2 --- --- --- 37/4 1859/639 3.21M
9 --- --- 48/0 3/5 --- --- 51/5 1910/644 3.33M
10 --- --- 37/0 5/5 --- --- 42/5 1952/649 3.43M
11 --- 2/4 25/2 1/1 --- --- 28/7 1980/656 3.52M
12 1/0 1/0 16/0 11/3 --- --- 29/3 2009/659 3.59M
13 --- --- --- 3/0 72/6 19/19 94/25 2103/684 3.91M
14 --- --- --- 2/2 39/3 83/10 124/15 2227/699 4.25M
15 --- --- --- 1/1 5/5 119/1 125/7 2352/706 4.56M
16 --- --- --- --- 3/3 100/1 103/4 2455/710 4.80M
17 --- --- --- --- 2/2 89/2 91/4 2546/714 5.01M
18 --- --- --- --- 5/0 49/4 54/4 2600/718 5.14M
19 --- --- --- --- 45/3 1/2 46/5 2646/723 5.27M
20 --- --- --- --- 36/3 --- 36/3 2682/726 5.36M
21 --- --- --- 1/1 22/1 1/1 24/3 2706/729 5.42M
22 --- --- --- 3/4 24/0 6/1 33/5 2739/734 5.53M
23 --- 1/2 2/2 4/5 14/1 15/1 36/11 2775/745 5.68M
D1 10/17 28/39 251/109 207/121 406/135 478/124 1380/545
D2 10/9 39/46 286/28 174/41 372/32 514/44 1395/200
TO 20/26 67/85 537/137 381/162 778/167 992/168 2775/745
Unique callsigns worked = 2030
The best 60 minute rate was 151/hour from 0009 to 0108
The best 30 minute rate was 160/hour from 0013 to 0042
The best 10 minute rate was 198/hour from 0058 to 0107
The best 1 minute rates were:
6 QSO's/minute 1 times.
5 QSO's/minute 3 times.
4 QSO's/minute 42 times.
3 QSO's/minute 176 times.
2 QSO's/minute 532 times.
1 QSO's/minute 994 times.
Number of letters in callsigns
Letters # worked
3 21
4 466
5 935
6 1256
7 17
8 63
9 12
10 5
------------ M u l t i p l i e r S u m m a r y ------------
Mult 160 80 40 20 15 10 Total Pct
25 0 1 237 74 216 334 862 30.5
14 0 13 72 33 164 214 496 17.6
15 0 11 66 55 128 192 452 16.0
04 3 1 26 21 41 27 119 4.2
16 0 0 6 48 21 28 103 3.6
08 7 13 20 14 21 21 96 3.4
05 1 2 14 17 25 28 87 3.1
03 1 1 20 15 17 19 73 2.6
13 0 0 2 10 12 18 42 1.5
20 0 1 5 7 15 13 41 1.5
09 3 5 7 4 6 9 34 1.2
17 0 0 2 18 13 1 34 1.2
33 0 3 6 5 11 7 32 1.1
11 0 2 4 3 13 7 29 1.0
28 0 2 7 4 8 7 28 1.0
32 1 2 5 4 6 4 22 0.8
19 0 1 6 3 4 6 20 0.7
07 0 1 4 3 5 5 18 0.6
10 2 2 2 3 6 3 18 0.6
31 1 1 2 3 5 4 16 0.6
27 0 0 5 0 3 7 15 0.5
18 0 0 1 5 6 2 14 0.5
30 0 0 5 2 2 3 12 0.4
21 0 0 2 3 3 3 11 0.4
24 0 1 0 2 2 5 10 0.4
12 0 0 2 3 2 3 10 0.4
35 0 1 1 1 2 5 10 0.4
26 0 0 0 1 5 4 10 0.4
38 0 0 0 3 3 4 10 0.4
39 0 0 0 3 3 3 9 0.3
01 0 1 2 2 3 1 9 0.3
06 1 1 2 1 2 1 8 0.3
36 0 1 1 2 1 2 7 0.2
37 0 0 0 2 1 1 4 0.1
02 0 0 2 1 1 0 4 0.1
23 0 0 0 2 1 0 3 0.1
34 0 0 1 1 1 0 3 0.1
29 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0.1
22 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.0
40 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.0
Total 20 67 537 381 778 992 2775
Multi-band QSO's
1 bands 1561
2 bands 286
3 bands 119
4 bands 41
5 bands 17
6 bands 6
The following stations were worked on 6 bands:
----- S i n g l e B a n d Q S O ' s -----
Band 160 80 40 20 15 10
QSOs 8 15 251 190 440 657
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