WQ5W at arrl.net WQ5W at arrl.net
Mon Nov 26 16:57:37 EST 2001

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW
Call: WQ5W
Operator(s): WQ5W
Station: WQ5W

Class: SOAB(A) LP
QTH: Azle, Texas
Operating Time (hrs): 30

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
   80:     52     15     31
   40:     78     21     54
   20:    263     29     86
   15:    117     24     77
   10:    227     29     83
Total:    737    118    331  =  852,202

Club/Team: North Texas Contest Club


Mark this down as a "Did Not Compete" effort.

I played DXer in this one, mainly concentrating on working new band countries, 
particularly on 80m. I also ran EU and JA when I could to quench my addiction 
to rate. Only operated around 30 hours.  Did not chase multipliers unless I 
needed them for all-time new band countries.  Probably could have broken a meg 
if I was halfway serious about it.

Still had a blast, especially after working ZD9IZ and VP8SGK (South Georgia) 
for all time CW new ones #300 and 301.  Neatest thing was being answered 
immediately on 80M by name and not by call by Phil, N6ZZ operating at RI0F.  
599's are nice, but the people we meet over the years are what makes contesting 
special.  Thanks to all for the Q's.

Alan, WQ5W

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