[3830] CQWW CW K8AZ M/S HP

k8az at contesting.com k8az at contesting.com
Mon Nov 26 18:03:30 EST 2001

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW
Call: K8AZ
Operator(s): AA8MX, K8AZ, K8MR, K8NZ, N8TR, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8GN, W8KIC, WT8C
Station: K8AZ

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Ohio
Operating Time (hrs): 47

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     18      8     17
   80:     96     24     79
   40:    861     34    116
   20:   1071     40    139
   15:    615     34    128
   10:    832     34    129
Total:   3493    174    608  =  7,800,000

Club/Team: North Coast Contesters


The contest at 'AZ began with a rocky start, when I discovered Friday afternoon 
that the 4L40 didn't just need to be re-calibrated in the rotor following a 
wind storm on Sunday, but that the rotor had come completely apart.  All I 
could do then was lock down the mast with the beam pointed at Europe -- a task 
which had to be done again Saturday afternoon after more wind.  Thanks to W8KIC 
who helped out on the ground Friday afternoon, and to AA8MX, who climed the 
tower mid-contest in substantial wind to re-secure the antenna for the Saturday 
night runs.

Conditions were amazing and confusing, with the K index at 2 at kickoff, rising 
up to 9 (with the A going to 95!) and then back to 1 by the end.  Op K8MR's 
comment Saturday afternoon said it best:  "These conditions make me long for 
the excitement of Sunday afternoon Sweepstakes!"  But things did recover, with 
a very nice 10m opening to Asia for the last 2 hours.

Software problems were aggravating.  We used the then-current version of CT in 
CQWW SSB, only to realize that the 10 minute clock was partially covered up and 
that the important run/mult station flag did not work correctly and was 
impossible to correct.  So, for CW, we downgraded to CT957, which we discovered 
had a bug that prohibited both the use of the "talk" window and the sending of 
spots.  We re-downgraded to CT949 after EU sunrise the first night when things 
got slow.  Too bad that multi-op stations have to go back 20 versions to get 
that wonderful software to work properly.  (Sig:  you can now upgrade 10 
versions from CT939 -- CT949 works swell!)

We also had to go off the air Sunday morning due to a strong thunderstorm -- a 
CQWW first for NE Ohio in at least 20 years.

Congratulations to K4XS, W4AN, N3RS and K4JA and to the many other multi-single 
entries that make this one so much fun -- even when the sun goes crazy.

73 de Tom, K8AZ

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