Tautvydas Misiûnas tautvydas at achema.com
Tue Nov 27 08:44:39 EST 2001

                               CQ WW SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 24-Nov-01, 25-Nov-01

    Callsign Used : LY2OX
         Operator : TED

         Category : SO HP ALL BANDS UA

 Default Exchange : 599

             Name : TAUTVYDAS MISIUNAS
          Address : 11 GELIU TAKAS STREET
   City/State/Zip : RAMUCIAI,LT4301
          Country : Lithuania

        Team/Club : LITHUANIAN DX GROUP
   Operation time:32 hours

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

  160CW      131         131        148        37         7
   80CW      274         274        389        47        14
   40CW      363         363        606        73        25
   20CW      685         684       1540        79        31
   15CW      447         447        896        85        29
   10CW      510         510       1161       108        31

 Totals     2410        2409       4740       429       137

    Final Score = 2682840 points.

  Antennas:Half sloper 160
           W3DZZ 80
           Vertical 40
           KT34XA 20,15 10
  Just for fun again,but  I tried to operate longer ,as it may be last good
contest untill next sunspot peak(Will I be on the air still then?).It's not
so bad
actually ,when conditions both days are so different:it is possible S at P one
day and
collect mults and run otherday when condx are great.Biggest thrill was when
I was called
by VQ9X on 80.Biggest dissapointment - when my XYL rushed into my shack
during nice USA
 pileup on 10 and ordered to QRT due to high TVI...
  73 ,Ted

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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