lw9euj at hotmail.com lw9euj at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 28 16:30:09 EST 2001

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW
Call: LT1F
Operator(s): LW9EUJ

Class: SOSB/10 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 43

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
   10:   2642     35    117
Total:   2642     35    117  =  1,191,984



Awful propagation from and to this part of the world, especially on Sunday. I 
heard at least 10 multipliers that I could not contact. 
On Sunday, the rate was so low that I had plenty of time to chat with LU1FAM, 
who was on 15 M at the other end of the operating table. He’s 20 y/o and 
already a neat CW contester. We talked about past contests, about our dreams of 
going on a contest expedition to some rare location for CQ WW, etc. Sunday 
included a good hamburger pile up at noon, which re-charged our “batteries” 
efficiently till the end of the contest, when a classical LU- Bar-B-Q was 
served by our hosts. I wanted to operate 48 hours but  there were times that 
nothing was heard across the band, It was completely silent.

The station performance was excellent; I ended the first day with almost 1800 
Qs. I broke through several big pile ups, including those calling to stations 
in zones, 2, 38, 27, 28. There were several power outages on Saturday, so we 
had to go outside the house to start the generator. The biggest thrill was 
being called by TF3AM near the end of the contest.

José LU5FHM makes all the antennas, they survived a hurricane on Tuesday before 
the contest, and another on Friday afternoon with winds ranging from  80 to 100 
miles per hour!!!! The Tuesday storm caused four fatal victims in Rosario, and 
a bunch of fallen trees, damaged houses, etc.

Carlos, LU1FKR took care of everything we needed to succeed, including food, 
rigs, accessories, computers, girls ;-) , etc. He didn’t even let us hook up 
cables. I’ve never seen a guy like this before, he was always saying  “.. You 
only have to operate the station..”!!!!

A big surprise was the discipline of all the operators I heard. Also there was 
some good QRQ going on !! Including DL1IAO who  called me I guess at over 65 
WPM to test my  ears.

I past the previous world record at 20:30 Z the second day.

My vote for best op, should go to many starting with Jim N6TJ at ZD8Z, John 
W2GD at P40W,  Ivo T93A at C4A, John K4BAI at 8P8Z, W2SC at 8P2A, etc, etc. 
They make our lives easier picking our LP sigs out of the pile at the first 

Deep heart thanks to all the Bad Power Antenna Field members!!

If you want to know more about LT1F you can visit http://www.badpower.com.ar 

By the way the only email address I have at the present is lw9euj at callsign.net 


Martin, LW9EUJ

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