k1dg at ix.netcom.com k1dg at ix.netcom.com
Wed Nov 28 20:00:10 EST 2001

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW
Call: K1DG

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 35
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     15      5      6
   80:    112     15     48
   40:    692     29     92
   20:    683     35    100
   15:    590     29     99
   10:    730     29    100
Total:   2822    142    445  =  4,770,000

Club/Team: YCCC


Fair start, then after 07Z it all went horribly bad. At 1300Z, after back to 
back 30-QSO hours (compared to the usual 150s which keep me awake), I threw in 
the towel and went to bed for a few hours. Second or third time I've done this 
in almost 30 years of contesting. Considered staying off the air for the rest 
of the contest, but had already canceled all the possible participation in 
family stuff and they were off in several different directions by then. Got 
back on at 19Z, then slept again from 05 to 10Z Sunday.

Sunday was great fun, though...until I fired up the family PC after the contest 
was over and noticed that it had been hit with this "Badtrans" virus that's 
been running around, and that the thing had probably spread to several 
contester friends. Sorry, OMs...and the Norton files had been updated only a 
few days earlier and did not catch it.

73, and see you all in ARRL CW,

Doug K1DG

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