[3830] CQWW CW IU2M M/S HP

Brioschi Stefano ik2qei at jumpy.it
Thu Nov 29 19:37:01 EST 2001

                   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST CW -- 2001

       Call:      IU2M
       Category:  Multi Single
       Power:     High Power
       Zone:      15


       160      101      124     1.23      9      57
        80      254      350     1.38     14      70
        40      924     2051     2.22     29     104
        20     1080     2571     2.38     36     128
        15      931     1860     2.00     37     126
        10      826     1893     2.29     34     123

      Totals   4116     8849     2.15    159     608  =>  6,787,183

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: I2WIJ - IZ2AAJ - IK4MTF - IK2QEI

Equipment Description: IC765 - TL922 (runner)
                        IC765 - TL922 (mult)

Antennas : TH7DXX - 40m 2 EL. HY-GAIN  on the same mast
            FD4 80m - Dipole 160m - vertical R7 all band

Club Affiliation: Marconi Contest Club

Comments: After the cancellation of our operation from T70A
	    (3 days before the contest!), may be we are not welcome @ T7 club....

           We was very disappointed, and the guys of ARI Milano radio club
           give to us the opportunity to take part to the CQWW CW ....we
           can`t refuse.....
           (Special Thanks to IZ2AEQ,IK2SAI,IK2RPJ,IK2QIN and all the
           other guys)

           The antennas setup was very simple, but very efficient.
           Thank you very much for all qso`s and cu the next one.

           IK2QEI Stefano @ IU2M

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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