[3830] EU Sprint SSB EA5DFV HP

jose.m.femenia@uv.es jose.m.femenia@uv.es
Sun, 7 Oct 2001 09:59:40 -0400 (EDT)

                     EU Sprint - SSB
Call: EA5DFV
Operator: EA5DFV
Station: EA5DFV

Power: HP
QTH: JM08as

 Band     QSOs  Op Time
   80:     21   35m
   40:     44   1h 25m
   20:     76   2h
Total Score:    141



Fun! Thanks all people that call me. No easy to listen people on north europe 
on 80m. On 80m, we have not good conditions at the contest end, and when I 
come to 40, I have a lot of local EA qso's using the band. But any way, better
that in Spring sprint this year.

73 de Jose

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