ka4rru@erols.com ka4rru@erols.com
Sun, 7 Oct 2001 10:17:49 -0400 (EDT)

                     CQ/RJ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY
Call: KA4RRU
Operator(s): KA4RRU, N4DXS, W4MGM, W4DC
Station: KA4RRU

Class: M/M HP
QTH: va
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band     QSOs   Pts  States   DX   Zones
   80:    167    236     41     23     14
   40:    323    644     47     54     22
   20:    549   1118     53     71     30
   15:    614   1536     44     76     31
   10:    426   1081     35     71     24
Total:   2079   4615    220    295    121  =  2,935,140

Club/Team: Woodbridge Wireless


The above is now correct - had the states and zones reversed.

Three Radios, three computers, four part time ops. One op helped out for about 
6 or 7 hours and the other three got a good 6 hours of sleep during the 
contest.  (I got the backyard grass cut while the fourth op was helping out).  
a couple of hours into the contest the rotor on the "big" tower (90 feet) was 
stuck pointing NW for the rest of the contest. Tripped a breaker twice and had 
a couple of computer lockups (RF?) to slow us down (as if we were not slow 
already hi hi)

software WL
FT1000D with k6sti
IC 765 with k6sti
IC 756 Pro with pci-3000
Three amps each running about 400 watts
Tower 1
TH6 @ 90 feet (stuck NW)
2 EL 40 Meter beam @ 100 feet (stuck NE)
TH6 @ 65 feet fixed to EU
TH6 @ 30 feet fixed South
5 EL Ten meter beam @ 50 feet fixed to EU
80 meter dipole @ 85 feet

Tower 2
TH6 at 50 feet
KLM rot 40 meter dipole at 55

We had a blast and have a list about a mile long of all the things we are going 
to do here before the "next" contest.

73 de Mike ka4rru

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
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