[3830] CQP NB1B SO HP

nb1b@mediaone.net nb1b@mediaone.net
Mon, 8 Oct 2001 09:58:01 -0400 (EDT)

                     California QSO Party
Call: NB1B
Operator(s): NB1B

Class: SO  Power: HP
Operating Time (hrs): 30
Radios: SO2R

 Band     CW Qs    Ph Qs    Mults
  160:       0        0
   80:       9        3
   40:      44       45
   20:      68      104
   15:      77      170
   10:      69      314
    6:       0        0
    2:       0        0
Total:     267      636       58  =  120,234

Club: YCCC


A sweep was tough this year!  I had 55 worked at 2134 Sat, and figured the last 
3 would be "easy".  But it took K6AQL first in Glenn at 0749, then K0GEN 
calling in out of the blue on 10M for Del Norte at 1938 Sun, and finally K6AQL 
again at 2015 for Yuba and the sweep!  In between, a lot of S & P interspersed 
with lots of "running".  
Goals for the contest were as always: 1000 QSOs (missed), a sweep (made), and 
making the "box" (top 5 out of state-maybe).  I felt strong on every band but 
80M, where all the antennas were set up to favor Europe from here. Having "RI" 
after the call doesn't hurt, either.  Congrats to K5GA (did you finally get the 
sweep?), W8MJ, K3NM, VE1JX, KE9I, and several others that had good out of state 
scores.  Its tough to be competitive on 80M from here.

Biggest problem:  All the stations calling me thinking I was in California. 
Next biggest "problem" will be all the stations wanting RI cards!

Antennas: 80M NE sloper, Dipole strung N/S
40M: 402CD at 110ft
20M: 4 el @ 100ft, 4 el @ 65ft (choice of)
15M: 4el @ 65ft
10M: 4 el @ 45 ft

See you all next year!

Dennis NB1B

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