[3830] CQP K6NA(K6LL) SO HP

K6LL@juno.com K6LL@juno.com
Mon, 8 Oct 2001 12:27:00 -0400 (EDT)

                     California QSO Party
Call: K6NA
Operator(s): K6LL
Station: K6NA

Class: SO  Power: HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band     CW Qs    Ph Qs    Mults
  160:       9        9
   80:      67       58
   40:     111      141
   20:     169      430
   15:     196      270
   10:     109     1094
Total:     661     2002       58  =  347,246

Club: SCCC


Thanks again to Glenn, his wife, and their daughter for
putting up with me for the CQP weekend again this year.

Glenn's shack had been totally dismantled to allow new
carpeting to be installed, and he reassembled most of it
at the last minute for the CQP. Everything worked fb, except
for a couple of minor things: Something was goofy in the 15M
antenna stack, so Glenn climbed up to 120' 45 minutes before
the contest started, and hardwired the feedline to the lower
antenna. On Sunday morning, I commented on the extremely low
background noise on 10 and 15, and Glenn discovered that his
new Mark V had the "flat" preamp selected in the menu options.
We then selected the higher-gain option, and signals and noise
came way up. I don't know if I missed anything with that "flat"
selection or not. Even with the higher gain on rx, there were
plenty of signals (presumably low power or QRP) that I could
not copy. Conditions were interesting, with lots of EU on
10 and 15, but there were a lot of pw signals, and lots of QRN
from line-of-sight thunderstorms in the desert.

This beats last year's score, but N6MJ was ahead of me in the
serial number all weekend, so I am anxiously waiting to see Dan's

Thanks to everyone for all the QSO's, and see you in SS!

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ

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