[3830] CQP K4UCF School HP

kd4rwn@bellsouth.net kd4rwn@bellsouth.net
Mon, 8 Oct 2001 19:50:27 -0400 (EDT)

                     California QSO Party
Call: K4UCF
Operator(s): KD4RWN
Station: K4UCF

Class: School  Power: HP
Operating Time (hrs): 18:30

 Band     CW Qs    Ph Qs    Mults
   40:       7        6
   20:      54       75
   15:      53      166
   10:      31       98
Total:     145      345       56  =  63,000

Club: Florida Contest Group


2nd Yr in a row doing CQP from K4UCF. Decided to go Mixed Mode instead of 
SSB-only like last yr because of the scoring in this test. Score was up by a 
good 60% - Q's up by 150. Participation seemed to be up in general.

This test is hard from FL. While 10 and 15 may be open during daylight - 20M is 
really not. This fact cost me 1 of the two mults i missed. With the setup At 
UCF - 160/80 is also not possible to CA - limited 40M work with our GAP 
15M was by far the best band  - Great Sigs and good rates while cqing.

As i said - Missed two Mults. DELN and GLEN. GLEN - missed the mobile that went 
through on saturday. A friend in W7 found them on 20M  - Which was of course - 
all but closed at that time to FL. DELN was the other. Never heard 1 cqing all 
weekend and none found me while i was cqing. Seems i wasent alone on this mult.

Just a general Comment: As County Coordinator for the Florida Qso Party - I 
made sure every one of our 67 Cty's had at least 2 stations planning to be in 
them - Mobile,Fixed,Combo,Etc. The night before i was pleading with certain 
mobiles and getting them to change their routes just so i knew for a fact we 
had made this goal. This should be a standard Goal for any Qso Party with a 
sufficent activity level to make it possible.

Congrats Go out to Chris-KL9A @ W7UQ. He did a Terrific job from there and 
looks to have won the School category from the early returns. FB!


Ulysses Rodriguez - KD4RWN
President - University Of Central Florida ARC (K4UCF)
FQP - County Coordinator
Member: ARRL, FCG, WWYC # 77

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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