[3830] CQP N6MJ(@W6KP) SO HP

dann6mj@home.com dann6mj@home.com
Mon, 8 Oct 2001 22:08:47 -0400 (EDT)

                     California QSO Party
Call: N6MJ
Operator(s): N6MJ
Station: W6KP

Class: SO  Power: HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band     CW Qs    Ph Qs    Mults
  160:       2        8
   80:      51       34
   40:     134      107
   20:     177      496
   15:     186      342
   10:     166      997
Total:     716     1984       58  =  354,322



Congrats to K6NA for yet another excellent score.  This was my first single op 
contest using computer keying on CW, so thats why I sounded like a lid on CW 
most of the time.  I like sending CW by hand alot better.  The tough mult this 
year was HI.  I didnt work it until 0155z when I worked WH6CZD on 20m. The rate 
was very good the first day, but sunday the rate went downhill.  I think the 
fact that we went to war on sunday was a major factor.  This is the first year 
that I qualify for the wine, I just turned 21 5 days ago.

I only had one major problem all weekend.  At around 23z a brush fire broke out 
about a mile from KP's house.  It was kinda windy, and KP has alot of brush 
around his house.  Luckily the Fire Deparment went to work quickly and put it 
out.  It was kinda neat looking out the garage door and seeing the water 
dropping planes fly right over the house.  

73, Dan N6MJ 

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