[3830] CQP AE6Y SO HP

andrew.faber@gte.net andrew.faber@gte.net
Tue, 9 Oct 2001 11:36:50 -0400 (EDT)

                     California QSO Party
Call: AE6Y
Operator(s): AE6Y
Station: AE6Y

Class: SO  Power: HP
Operating Time (hrs): 23:15
Radios: SO2R

 Band     CW Qs    Ph Qs    Mults
   80:      52       76
   40:     144       33
   20:     198      332
   15:     147      266
   10:     220      470
Total:     761     1177       57  =  264,309

Club: Mother Lode DXCC


Rig : TS950SDX, TS570DG
Antennas : Force 12 3el. 10/15/20, 2el 40, 1 el. 80, R7000
Software: CQPWIN 9.0

Soapbox : A very enjoyable contest, as usual.  My score was down about 5%
from last year.  2% of that is attributable to the humiliation of only
working 57 mults.  No trouble with the usually rare states or provinces, but 
never heard hide nor hair of an MT station! The other 3% is due, I think 
primarily to less DX activity.  While the high bands were open to EU much of 
the time, I note that I made 212 DX contacts this year, versus 325 last year, 
and that would account for just about the entire lower QSO total this year.
   I had fun in the beginning of the contest CQing alternately on 10 and 15
CW, then waiting to see on which band I got an answer.  For a while I was
running guys on the second radio with the vertical. Not sure if this helped the 
overall score, but it was entertaining for me.
  There were a number of high totals from out of staters this year. Thanks to 
them and also to all the casual guys who give you QSO #1 for making this 
contest a success.
   73, andy, ae6y

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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