goodmancpa at enter.net goodmancpa@enter.net
Thu Nov 1 00:28:13 EST 2001

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB
Call: K3ANS
Operator(s): K3ANS, WF3H, K2NJ, VE9DH / NE9DH, K3MD, KC3WX, AA3WM
Station: K3ANS

Class: M/M HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     34      9     17
   80:    121     16     55
   40:    128     20     67
   20:    733     36    124
   15:    984     37    141
   10:    896     36    132
Total:   2896    154    536  =  5,619,360

Club/Team: Frankford Radio Club, Inc. -- The best!


Puny multi multi with 5 stations set up, but usually only 3 on the air.  We 
wished we had more operators to cover all 6 bands at the same time.  20 and 40 
meter prop pitch M2 rotator control broke just  before contest.  So used two 12 
volt DC supplies in series to turn rotator, with flashlight and HT to give info 
back to station.  We did not turn it often.  Also ether net system from K1TTT 
was great.  Unfortunately one of the ether net cable connectors broke and 
shorted out, causing three computers to crash.  As a result, only one position 
had the DX packet cluster for about 12 hours.  Later we figured out problem and 
repaired cable for a relatively easy and painless fix.  At first we thought we 
had serious damage.  N3IYX, K3MD, WF3H, W3ZL, and K3ANS provided transceivers 
and amplifiers.

Conditions were fabulous, especially 10 and 15 meters.  But 160 and 75 were 
very quiet and good too, although absorption seemed high on Eastern US to 
Europe and Africa path.  For a change, no QRN, solar flares, line noise, power 
outages, ice storms, wind storms, and lightning storms.  How dull!  We had fun 
and made good score.  Highlight was VQ9 answering CQ on 75 both Friday and 
Sunday nights.  Low light was DX Packet Cluster overloaded and delayed over 1.5 
hours most of Sunday, causing frequent disconnects.  Thanks to all the 
volunteers for making this contest happen and providing the DX Packet Cluster 

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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