nb1b at mediaone.net nb1b@mediaone.net
Thu Nov 1 03:37:57 EST 2001

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB
Call: VB2V
Station: VB2V

Class: M/M HP
QTH: No. Quebec
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    398      6     10
   80:   1058     18     47
   40:    725     21     65
   20:   2432     37    114
   15:   3558     38    149
   10:   1536     33    112
Total:   9707    153    497  =  15,144,350

Club/Team: YCCC (PART)


160M- TS850 & AL80A amp, 85ft vertical
80M-  FT1000 & SB220, phased verticals
40M-  TS850 & SB220, 4square
20m- TS870& Clipperton L, 3el @ 30ft
15M- FT1000MP & AL1500, 4 el @ 27 ft
10M- TS850 & AL80A, 4 el @ 30 ft

Wow, what a ride! As stated elsewhere, condx on low bands were not very good.  
Condx on 15M were the best I have ever seen- the 4 el played and played, at 
least on Saturday (2200 Qs in 11 hrs).  The flare SatPM/Sun AM hurt everyone- 
on Sat we heard from some Europeans that we were 30dB over S9, on Sunday those 
same Europeans told us we were S5.  Try as we might, that S5 just couldn't get 
us a run going until midday Sunday.  Oh, well.... 

Our pre-contest goals were 10,000 QSOs and 15 Meg.  We just missed the QSO 
total (or made it if you include dupes) and just made the score total.  Those 
projections were also done with two caveats- that we had a working network, and 
that we had packet spots.  We never did get the packet spots, but the network 
(wired from camper to camper) was instrumental in adding to the team spirit and 
in passing stations! Thanks to all those that moved, whether for a point or a 
A special thanks has to go to our 60 cycle man- Ray, VE3HAE.  He devised the 
power grid we used, kept the generators happy with gas and oil, and maintained 
everything for 4 days straight so that the contest operation went without a 

See you all next year, maybe again from frigid zone 2.

Dennis NB1B

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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