dfister at siol.net dfister at siol.net
Mon Oct 1 15:04:53 EDT 2001

                     CQ/RJ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY
Call: S51MM
Operator(s): S51MM

Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band     QSOs   Pts  States   DX   Zones
   80:    122    249      1     36      7
   40:    299    683     22     62     19
   20:    358    856     29     75     26
   15:    318    826     34     62     23
   10:    214    579     30     51     25
Total:   1311   3193    116    286    100  =  1,602,886



Station used:

TS850 + Writelog v10.27/RITTY, 100 watts

Very interesting propagations especially second night signals were strong but 
hard to copy on 15 meters.
Fortunately RITTY handled theme without any problem. Now when Writelog is 
working with RITTY
also under WinME, WF1B goes to archive, hi.
Couple of stations  from CO transmitted state as C0. Should I log it as I 
Last year I had some decent runs on 10 and 15 meters, not this year. Lot of 
One of the best moments was JA pileup on 20 meters when rate jumped to 127 
Conditions on 40 meter band were very good. As almost in every contest, ZL2AMI 
called me after 15 minutes
after start on this band. For the first time I worked him on 4 bands. I still 
need ZL on 80 meters.
Five banders were CT9L HA2A HG1S RI4M RU1A RX9SR UP5P YU7AM and K4JA.
F8KCF would be 10th, but 80 meters op. tells me wkd b4 and refuse to work 
Looks like they want pretty log :).It is much easier and faster to log dupe 
than argue who is right.
I really need better antenna for 80 meters band as I counted at least 29 
stations worked on 4 band
and missed on 80. Total number of 4 band stations is much higher.
Of course I also made some stupid mistakes. One of them was when I switch on 
12db att on 80m
and forgot to switch off when I move on 20. Damn was band quiet suddenly :)

CU in next contest.

73, David S51MM


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