w0etc at ix.netcom.com w0etc at ix.netcom.com
Mon Oct 1 22:38:40 EDT 2001

                     CQ/RJ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY
Call: W0ETC

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 20

 Band     QSOs   Pts  States   DX   Zones
   80:     47     57     26      6      5
   40:     65     96     27      7     12
   20:    169    263     43     34     19
   15:    258    538     41     58     27
   10:    157    396     15     49     24
Total:    696   1350    152    134     87  =  529,200

Club/Team: TCG


My original plan was a full bore effort from home or to be part of the crew at 
the N0NI M/2 effort.  However that all changed when my hematologist decided it 
was time to start chemotherapy for my chronic lymphatic leukemia (CLL).  The 
first round of chemotherapy ( 5 days) ended 9 hours  before the start of the 
contest.  Because of that I knew I wasn’t up to a serious effort.  Only five 
more rounds of chemotherapy five days each about a month apart, to go.  Luckily 
for me CLL is very manageable and treatable.  Unfortunately for me it is really 
going to mess up prime contesting season.

Since this wasn’t a serious effort I played in the assisted class for 20 total 
hours. The bands while not great were in decent shape with 15 being the bread 
and butter DX band.  About half of the states I worked on 10 were back scatter 
or ground wave.

IMHO the behavior of some RTTY contesters is starting to approach that of some 
SSB contesters.  As in, non stop calling in a pile up for a rare multiplier and 
moving in and CQing less than 100 Hz away from my run frequency, and phony DX 
spots on or near their run frequency.  The lack of such things was why I first 
fell in love with RTTY contesting.  Oh well, my years of SSB experience mean I 
am well prepared for this unfortunate change.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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