no2t at arrl.net no2t at arrl.net
Tue Oct 2 00:36:54 EDT 2001

                     CQ/RJ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY
Call: NO2T
Operator(s): NO2T
Station: NO2T

Class: SOAB(A) HP
Operating Time (hrs): 32
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs   Pts  States   DX   Zones
   80:     12     22      6      6      5
   40:    157    287     38     40     15
   20:    401    936     43     72     28
   15:    251    602     36     57     18
   10:    221    545     18     52     17
Total:   1042   2392    141    227     83  =  1,078,792

Club/Team: Bergen Amateur Radio Assoc


Tnx for the contacts. Was not my usual self for this event. Still recovering 
from what ever was wrong with me at Dayton. In fact spent 2 weeks in the local 
hopital after Dayton. Lost 35 pounds but have gotten back 20 of them. Still 
can't climb the tower. (The incident in NY didn't help either. Spent lot of 
hours providing communications. I'm RACES officer for Bergen Cty NJ)

Propagation was so-so here in NJ. The signals especially on Sunday went up and 
down with what seemed to be a 20 second or so cycle time. 

Had a problem with the 80 meter delta loop. It developed a short someplace and 
I couldn't put more than 30 watts before it started arcing someplace. That put 
a signicant crimp in my score. None the less had fun! 

Once again thanks to all who worked me 73 best DX and GUD health to U and URS.

                  de NO2T (God Bless America)

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