w6knb at home.com w6knb at home.com
Tue Oct 2 21:03:47 EDT 2001

                     CQ/RJ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY
Call: W6KNB
Operator(s): W6KNB
Station: W6KNB

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 23

 Band     QSOs   Pts  States   DX   Zones
   80:     14     17     12      3      4
   40:     40     53     24      8      9
   20:    131    229     40     32     21
   15:    237    451     45     48     27
   10:     96    178     27     22     17
Total:    518    928    148    113     78  =  314,592



It was fun--best I've ever done--47 states, 61 DXCC, 30 zones. But 
where was Europe?? Signals over the pole from CA disappeared into a 
giant black hole!

Thanks to everyone for all the QSOs, and my apologies
to those on 10 and 20 who copied my ka-chunk, ka-chunk signals. They 
were due to RF feedback into the computer on those bands (despite 
shielding and ferrite everywhere). I was building new cables up until 
the last minute hoping to solve the problem, but they didn't work and 
all I got from it was a nasty soldering iron burn and a late start 
while I administered first aid. About 1 hour from the end of the 
contest I finally realized that the ka-chunk was synched to the WF1B 
software polling my transceiver; slowing down the polling rate made 
the problem less evident, but it's still there. More shielding and 
more ferrite coming up!

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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