[3830] EU SSB Sprint LY2OX

Tautvydas Misiûnas tautvydas at achema.com
Mon Oct 8 10:43:27 EDT 2001

                             EU SPRINT SUMMARY SHEET

     Contest Date : 06-Oct-01

    Callsign Used : LY2OX
         Operator : TED

         Category : SO

 Default Exchange : 59

             Name : TAUTVYDAS MISIUNAS
          Address : 11 GELIU TAKAS STREET
   City/State/Zip : RAMUCIAI,LT4301
          Country : Lithuania

        Team/Club : LDXG

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points

   80SSB      27          27         27
   40SSB      55          55         55
   20SSB      71          71         71

 Totals      153         153        153

    Final Score = 153 points.

     Antennas:KT34XA,vertical for 7 mc,Halfsloper for 3,5 mc.

    I thought that my 80 meter performance was a bust,but I know now that it
was not so bad there,but only 20 meter
numbers were much lower than my competitors.CU in CW and then we shall see
who are these lucky guys to get plaques.
At least No.1 is already clear-LY4AA.Everything is in fog behind him.

  73 Ted

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