[3830] PAQP N8LXR/M(SAME) SO Mobile LP

morsenut at aol.com morsenut at aol.com
Thu Oct 18 05:28:45 EDT 2001

                     Pennsylvania QSO Party
Call: N8LXR/M
Operator(s): SAME
Station: SAME

Class: SO Mobile  Power: LP
QTH: PA/all ova
Operating Time (hrs): 22

 Band     CW Qs    Ph Qs    Mults
   80:      71         
   40:     398       28
   20:      79         
   15:       6         
Total:     554       28       98  =  103,861

Club: (affiliation) Mid-Atlantic Am Radio Club


This was without a doubt the most enjoyable, exciting operating event I have 
ever been in in 18 years of hamming.

Entering in the PAQP mobile class, I operated from 29 PA counties and had a 
blast!   It was my first time in the PA QSO Party in any category.

I was very disapponted that more stations in California did not get on the high 
bands to give us more mults.  There was a notable lack of West and far Western 
US stations...c'mon guys, get in on the fun....give a REASON to run on 20, 15, 
and 10 meters!

For my first ever mobile contest effort, I am very satisfied with the score, 
although I wish I had spent more time on 80 CW Saturday night (did fantastic on 
that band from JEFFERSON County, PA) and more time on phone to gather more 

This is the finest example of friendly ham radio competition I have ever 
witnessed, better than FD which used to be my favorite, now PAQP is!

Springfield and Philadelphia, Pa
and Driver Roy!

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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