[3830] EU Sprint CW OG1F(OH1NOA) HP

oh1noa at qsl.net oh1noa at qsl.net
Sat Oct 20 05:20:38 EDT 2001

                     EU Sprint - CW
Call: OG1F
Operator: OH1NOA
Station: OH1AF

Power: HP
QTH: Pori

 Band     QSOs  Op Time
   80:     54   1
   40:     68   1,5
   20:     67   1,5
Total Score:    189

Club/Team: Contest Club Finland


Propagation was reverse to SSB part: 80m was very good but 20m very lousy - at 
least from Finland.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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