w7gg at etiquality.com w7gg at etiquality.com
Mon Oct 29 19:36:50 EST 2001

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB
Call: W7GG
Operator(s): W7GG
Station: W7GG

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 42
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     26      8     10
   80:     83     17     28
   40:    186     21     49
   20:    417     33    108
   15:    531     34    103
   10:    884     33    114
Total:   2127    146    412  =  3,233,052

Club/Team: WVDXC


Goal was to break U.S. Zone 3 record of 3.6 mil set in 1988.  No such luck 
although first 20 hours had me thinking I had a chance.  Broke the record last 
year by 500k but when the log checker got done with it I lost 500k and the 
record.  Wonderful penalty system did me in.  Wonder how the 1988 logs wud 
stand up to the same scrutiny as applied to those in the year 2000?

Anyway enuf sour grapes!  I knew when cndx were soooo good several days 
preceeding the test that it wud not hold for the whole weekend!  Sure enuf they 
did not!  Great first 20 hours or so but the last half sucked from the NW.  

Even during the first half I had trouble sustaining any significant runs on any 
band.  Very unusual in that regard.  Why I can tune up and down the band in the 
S&P mode and work most any/every station on the first or second call but not be 
able get a run going is a mystery to me.  

Mebbe conditions were too good?  Ten was as good as it gets during the first 
halp but really went to hell on Sunday!  DX sigs all the way up past 29mhz and 
most of them calling CQ until Sunday!!  

DX participation on low bands seemed down but gess that's to be expected with 
the hig bands doing so well.  Why struggle on the low bands when u can wk the 
world with a "wet noddle" on 10m.  Could not even muster 200 Qso's on 40m when 
I used to be able to work 300 or so JA's alone in the WW test.  Times from the 
NW have definitely changed .... for the worse!

Lo lite on 160 was call TG9NX for over a half hour and hearing him S9 but only 
hearing him work stns East of the Mississippi!  A possible double mult but no 
cigar for me.

Hi Lite on 75m was catching a few long path EU Q's plus A50A in Zone 22 and 
Bhutan...a nice double mult from the NW.  JA activity on 40-75m was down again 
from my QTH and it seemed down on all the other bands as well.  Seems like much 
of the JA activity has migrated towards the big club stations.  No longer hear 
the large number of "peanut whistle" JA's there used to be 10 years ago.

ANY chance we ever had to compete with the South or East Coast (and that was 
mostly an illusion) is gone with the JA decline.  

The new kid on the block (China) made an impressive showing with several Q's on 
all bands but 80-160m. (not legal there?)  Mebbe in a few more years China will 
be as big as JA was some years ago! I have been thinking this for 10 years so 
if it ever happens it probably won't be in my lifetime.

Overall hi-lite was making DXCC on the three three high bands plus staying 
awake and reasonably alert for the first 30 hours.  This especially good for me 
given the weak run opportunities!  Overall fun as usual but disapointing in 
relation to my goals.  

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