wx3b at arrl.net wx3b at arrl.net
Tue Oct 30 09:49:48 EST 2001

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB
Call: AK3Z
Operator(s): AK3Z, WX3B, N3SB, W3ARS AND STACEY
Station: WX3B

Class: M/M HP
QTH: Manchester, MD
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:      3      3      3
   80:     69      9     31
   40:     53     11     34
   20:    328     24     81
   15:    190     26     65
   10:    333     30     83
Total:    976    103    297  =  1,073,310

Club/Team: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Station Description: 

160 Meters: Kenwood TS-870s (Shared with 10 meters), Ameritron AL-80A, Low 160 
Meter Dipole
80 Meters:  Yaesu FT-1000D, Ameritron AL-1200, 80 Meter Dipole up 50 Feet
40 Meters:  Yaesu FT-1000MP, Ameritron AL-80B, 40 Meter Dipole up 45 Feet
20 Meters:  FT-1000MP Mark V, Force 12 C-3S Up 50 Feet
15 Meters:  Yaesu FT-990DC, Ameritron AL-80B, Shared C-3S or Dipole
10 Meters:  Kenwood TS-870s, Ameritron AL-80B, Shared C-3S or Dipole

In the Basement and Garage:  Two small KLM 4 Element Monobanders:  one for 10 
and one for 15!!!

We Had a great time with 4 operators for about 4 hours on Friday night.  Got on 
with AK3Z Saturday night from about 8:00 until midnight.  Finished the contest 
solo for 3 hours on  Sunday evening.  Best 10 meter conditions I've ever heard 
from my house on Saturday morning.  Excellent 40 and 75 meter conditions as 
well.  JA's BOOMING on 20 meters Sunday evening.   Can only imagine what our 
score would have been if we had put in a major effort.

See you in Sweepstakes CW next weekend - this time with my own call sign...


Jim Nitzberg  WX3B

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